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  • Transform Your Sales Process with AI-Based Call Assistance

Transform Your Sales Process with AI-Based Call Assistance

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 Featured Tool: Attention AI

Attention is a voice assistant specifically designed to help sales teams quickly generate information and take action during their calls in real-time.

This intuitive AI-enabled tool offers actionable intelligence, automatic CRM fields filling, AI-based personalized follow-up email drafting, and integration with Zoom, Salesforce, Hubspot, Gmail, Outlook, Slack, and Zapier. Attention has already helped over 100 sales teams improve closing deals and ultimately increase overall productivity.

Click here to start automating your Sales CRM activities

Trending Tools

Vercel V0 - v0 is a generative user interface system by Vercel Labs powered by AI. It generates copy-and-paste friendly HTML or React code

Motion - Usemotion is an AI-powered daily planner designed to enhance productivity and save time.

Sybill - Sybill is an AI-powered sales assistant that automatically generates accurate and detailed summaries of sales calls.

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