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  • A Starbucks is run by 100 robots and just two humans

A Starbucks is run by 100 robots and just two humans

Plus: Top news app in US has Chinese origins and ‘writes fiction’ with AI

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PDFPeer is an AI-powered platform that allows users to interact and communicate with PDF documents seamlessly. With PDFPeer, users can turn their PDFs into AI-powered chatbots, enabling them to ask questions, summarize content, find information quickly, and more.

Click here to learn more

Trending Tools

VoiceType - VoiceType is a Chrome extension that enables users to dictate emails instead of typing them.

Captions - Captions is an all-in-one AI-powered video creation studio designed for creators looking to produce professional-looking videos with ease.

Copyleaks - Copyleaks is an AI-driven content verification platform that analyzes text for plagiarism and verifies originality