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  • Amazon to Compete with ChatGPT and Google Bard with new LLM

Amazon to Compete with ChatGPT and Google Bard with new LLM

Plus: Elon Musk predicts AI will make work obsolete

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Artificial Intelligence online short course from MIT

Study artificial intelligence and gain the knowledge to support its integration into your organization. If you're looking to gain a competitive edge in today's business world, then this artificial intelligence online course may be the perfect option for you.

  • Key AI management and leadership insights to support informed, strategic decision making.

  • A practical grounding in AI and its business applications, helping you to transform your organization into a future-forward business.

  • A road map for the strategic implementation of AI technologies in a business context.

Trending Tools

AudioNotes - Boost your productivity with AudioNotes, a voice-based note-taking solution that captures, organizes, transcribes, summarizes, and generates content with ease

FormX.ai - FormX.ai is an AI-powered data extraction tool designed to automate data extraction from various documents, such as receipts, bank statements, identity documents, etc

AISEO - AISEO is a powerful AI-driven tool that helps users effortlessly transform their ideas into SEO-optimized, engaging articles.

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